Product Highlights
What people say about Biota-Clear 2b
Key Benefits

Why Choose
Biota-Clear 2b?
How to Use It
How to Use It
You CAN Overcome Brain Fog & Depression by Healing Your Gut
Harman’s case is one that really pulls at your heart strings. At only 24 years old, she came in to my office debilitated by brain fog, to the point she had to take medical leave from her job. At our first visit she broke down with tears in her eyes in frustration and fear regarding her health. While we had to personalize her treatment to avoid reactions, ultimately she was free of all her symptoms in only 3-4 months. How? By healing her gut. This is a shining example of the gut-brain connection. https://drruscio.com/overcome-...
What the Research Shows
Why Dr. Ruscio Recommends It
Why Dr. Ruscio Recommends It
Herbal Antimicrobials: A Gentle Recalibration
Rifaximin: The Gold Standard
Sustainable Gut Health: Beyond Antibiotics
Biota-Clear: Clinical Wisdom in Action

Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions

When Should I Start Taking Antimicrobials as Part of a Gut Healing Program?
Antimicrobials are Step 3 of my Great-in-8 gut healing protocol. Before taking herbal antimicrobials, it’s important to first set the foundation for gut health by getting adequate sleep, reducing stress, exercising, spending time in nature, improving diet and taking high-quality probiotic supplements. These foundational approaches set the stage for antimicrobial treatment and support long-term success once antimicrobial treatment is completed.
What’s the Suggested Duration of an Antimicrobial Treatment?
The Great-in-8 protocol recommends beginning with a 2-month course of treatment, rotating between Biota Clear 1a/1b and Biota Clear 2a/2b. An assessment at the end of the 2-month treatment will help you determine if additional treatments are needed.
Are Die-Off Reactions Possible?
Die-off reactions are an uncommon side effect that can occur when bad microbes die inside your body as a result of taking antimicrobials. Die-off may lead to:
- Increased fatigue
- Headaches
- Digestive upset
- Flu-like symptoms
Symptoms are usually temporary and are generally a sign that antimicrobial supplements are working. If symptoms last longer than a week, you may be intolerant of the herbal formula.
What Can I Do to Reduce Die-Off Reactions?
Reduce your dosage until you no longer experience reactions and then gradually increase to reach full dosage. If you continue to have symptoms, it’s best to switch to another herbal antimicrobial product.
Why Do You Sell Several Different Biota-Clear Products?
Research suggests that rotating antimicrobial treatments is 20% more effective than single treatments for remediating SIBO [10]. Rotating antimicrobials can also help to prevent antimicrobial resistance, which is when microorganisms adapt and become less susceptible antimicrobial agents.