Biota-Clear 2b

Biota-Clear 2b

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Biota-Clear 2b

Biota-Clear 2b

The Biota Clear series provides powerful, botanical support for gut and immune function via multiple mechanisms:

  • Helps to restore healthy balance to the gut ecosystem
  • Exerts powerful anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, and anti-biofilm activity
  • Provides a milder alternative to prescription antibiotics and antifungals for stubborn gut dysbiosis
  • Produces anti-inflammatory benefits and may have antidepressant effects
  • May promote healthy motility
  • May reduce pain
  • Long history of use by traditional cultures to treat digestive conditions. 
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What people say about Biota-Clear 2b

Key Benefits

Restorative Gut Health

Aids in restoring balance to the gut's ecosystem, promoting overall digestive wellness.

Anti-Microbial Efficacy

Potent against bacteria, fungi, parasites, and biofilms, ensuring comprehensive gut protection.

Inflammation and Pain Management

Offers natural solutions to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain, enhancing comfort.

Supports Healthy Gut Movement

Encourages proper gut motility, contributing to a smoother digestive process.

Why Choose
Biota-Clear 2b?

Holistic Botanical Formula
Combines olive leaf, black walnut, berberine, and sweet wormwood for a multi-targeted approach.
Clinically-Inspired Effectiveness
Crafted from Dr. Ruscio’s extensive clinical experience and supported by relevant research.
Commitment to Purity
Guaranteed free from common allergens and devoid of artificial substances, upholding the highest standards of safety and quality.

How to Use It

How to Use It

  • For correcting microbial imbalances in the gut:

    • Take 3 capsules twice daily together with Biota Clear 2a

    • Rotate with Biota Clear 1a + 2a after one month

    For ongoing health maintenance, take 2 capsules daily

    Can be taken with or without food

You CAN Overcome Brain Fog & Depression by Healing Your Gut

Harman’s case is one that really pulls at your heart strings. At only 24 years old, she came in to my office debilitated by brain fog, to the point she had to take medical leave from her job. At our first visit she broke down with tears in her eyes in frustration and fear regarding her health. While we had to personalize her treatment to avoid reactions, ultimately she was free of all her symptoms in only 3-4 months. How? By healing her gut. This is a shining example of the gut-brain connection.

What the Research Shows

  • Herbal preparations may be as effective as prescription antibiotics at treating SIBO and IBS [6].
  • Rotating antimicrobial treatments may be 20% more effective than a single treatment for remediating SIBO [10].
  • Oregano, Thymol and Carvacrol
  • Six weeks of 600 mg of daily oregano oil (O. vulgare) reduced or eliminated parasites in 16 individuals. In seven of the 11 patients infected with Blastocystis hominis, GI symptoms improved [11].
  • Thymol and carvacrol (active ingredients in oregano oil)  improved symptoms in IBS patients relative to placebo [12].
  • Oregano extracts demonstrated antimicrobial, antiviral, antioxidant, insecticidal, anticancer, hepatoprotective, genotoxic, antidiabetic, cholinesterase inhibitory, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic actions [9].
  • Animal studies also suggest that oregano extracts have a potential mood-enhancing effect [8].
  • Thymol: 
  • • Reduces gut inflammation
  • • Stimulates digestive enzymes
  • • Attenuates ulcers
  • • Works as an ileal antispasmodic and anti-spasmolytic
  • • Inhibits gastric mucosal injury
  • • Influences gastric maturation and function in animal studies [13].
  • Caprylic Acid
  • Caprylic acid can reduce the bad bacteria animals and chickens carry in their guts according to a number of studies [141516].
  • Neurodegenerative disease models suggest that caprylic acid may confer neuroprotective and mitochondria-protective effects and may strengthen antitumor actions in the case of brain cancer [17].
  • Black Walnut (Juglans nigra)
  • An in vitro study found that black walnut tannins demonstrated antibacterial effects against Listeria, S. aureus, E. coli, Brochothrix thermosphacta, Pseudomonas fragi, Salmonella, and Lactobacillus plantarum [18].
  • Pau D’Arco (Tabebuia impetiginosa)
  • Test tube and animal studies have shown pau d’arco extracts to have significant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects [1920].
  • Lapachol, an active ingredient in pau d’arco extracts, was also found (in vitro) to inhibit bad bacteria (Clostridia and E. coli), while not affecting good bugs such as Bifidobacteria, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Lactobacillus casei [21].

Why Dr. Ruscio Recommends It

Why Dr. Ruscio Recommends It

Herbal Antimicrobials: A Gentle Recalibration

In some cases imbalances of the gut microbiota persist despite healthy inputs (better sleep, reduced stress, exercise, time in nature, diet and probiotics). This is where a gentle nudge with herbal antimicrobials can help recalibrate the gut ecosystem to a healthier equilibrium.  

Rifaximin: The Gold Standard

The best research data we have for antimicrobials is for the non-herbal antibiotic rifaximin (aka Xifaxan) which has clearly been shown to reduce unwanted bacteria in SIBO [12] and is FDA approved for treating IBS [34].

There are fewer studies for herbal antimicrobials, however they have also been shown to be effective for SIBO and IBS [56].

However, return of symptoms after treatment is somewhat common after rifaximin. Why? I believe this tends to happen when long-term supports are not in place. So, when the crutch of the antibiotic is gone, the gut ecosystem slowly returns to its imbalanced state. 

Sustainable Gut Health: Beyond Antibiotics

Herbal antimicrobials have more beneficial side benefits when compared with rifaximin. They are anti-inflammatory and perhaps even antidepressant [78]. Many plant-based antimicrobials act against bacteria, fungi, and protozoa while prescription antibiotics mostly work against bacteria [9].

Biota-Clear: Clinical Wisdom in Action

Our Biota-Clear line of antimicrobials has been shaped by my clinical experience and the published literature.  

An overwhelming amount of anecdotal data from patients and from readers suggests this approach works well, even for those who have somewhat chronic and severe conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

When Should I Start Taking Antimicrobials as Part of a Gut Healing Program?

Antimicrobials are Step 3 of my Great-in-8 gut healing protocol. Before taking herbal antimicrobials, it’s important to first set the foundation for gut health by getting adequate sleep, reducing stress, exercising, spending time in nature, improving diet and taking high-quality probiotic supplements. These foundational approaches set the stage for antimicrobial treatment and support long-term success once antimicrobial treatment is completed.

What’s the Suggested Duration of an Antimicrobial Treatment?

The Great-in-8 protocol recommends beginning with a 2-month course of treatment, rotating between Biota Clear 1a/1b and Biota Clear 2a/2b. An assessment at the end of the 2-month treatment will help you determine if additional treatments are needed.

Are Die-Off Reactions Possible?

Die-off reactions are an uncommon side effect that can occur when bad microbes die inside your body as a result of taking antimicrobials. Die-off may lead to:

  • Increased fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Digestive upset
  • Flu-like symptoms

Symptoms are usually temporary and are generally a sign that antimicrobial supplements are working. If symptoms last longer than a week, you may be intolerant of the herbal formula. 

What Can I Do to Reduce Die-Off Reactions?

Reduce your dosage until you no longer experience reactions and then gradually increase to reach full dosage. If you continue to have symptoms, it’s best to switch to another herbal antimicrobial product.

Why Do You Sell Several Different Biota-Clear Products?

Research suggests that rotating antimicrobial treatments is 20% more effective than single treatments for remediating SIBO [10]. Rotating antimicrobials can also help to prevent antimicrobial resistance, which is when microorganisms adapt and become less susceptible antimicrobial agents.